Global Cleantech Innovation Programme

GCIP is being implemented in Nigeria in conjunction with the Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (FMSTI), Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB)

The broad objective of the program is to incentivize cleantech SMEs and start-ups which have the potential to lead the transition to low-carbon economies to scale up and become market worthy and investment ready enterprises to compete favorably with traditional un-clean technologies widespread in the market, whilst also creating job opportunities and incentivizing social inclusion.

The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) is a program coordinated by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to promote cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship in order to address the most critical climate and environmental concerns. GCIP is being implemented in Nigeria in conjunction with the Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (FMSTI), Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB).
The broad objective of the program is to incentivize cleantech SMEs and start-ups which have the potential to lead the transition to low-carbon economies to scale up and become market worthy and investment ready enterprises to compete favorably with traditional un-clean technologies widespread in the market, whilst also creating job opportunities and incentivizing social inclusion.
GCIP Nigeria has three components, in line with the GCIP Framework, which has been designed based on the current needs of developing countries and GCIP partner countries, including Nigeria, as well as recommendations from the GEF's independent evaluation of GCIP conducted in 2018 and with feedback from the previous nine GCIP country projects implemented between 2013 and 2019.

The GCIP Component Overview

Component Objective
Transforming Early Stage Innovative clean-tech solutions into commercial enterprises
Component Outcome:
Enterprises are supported through advanced and gender responsive business growth and investment facilitation services
Component Output:
Design and Operationalization of the Financial Mechanism for funds disbursement.
The three components of the GCIP projects are:
1. Focus for early-stage innovative cleantech solutions and acceleration support related to entrepreneurship and business skills training. In addition, targeted technical assistance will be offered to the accelerated SMEs and have traction and sales evidence but still need specialised enterprise growth support. Furthermore, SMEs in the expansion stage will receive tipping-point investment facilitation services to raise investment.
 Responsible Entities: REA & CCHub (NPEEs) with support from NGIN (GEE) 2. Strengthening the capacities of cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem stakeholders and connecting them. Activities are designed to maximise the impact of GCIP by strengthening national cleantech ecosystems of GCIP partner countries, identifying synergies across national ecosystems, and connecting ecosystems for knowledge exchange and partnership building. In addition, at the national child project level, the development of policies and regulations to promote cleantech innovation will be prioritised.
 Responsible Entities: FMST (NPEE) with support from CTG 3. Engage with the GCIP global coordination child project to ensure programme coordination and coherence. In order to maintain coherence and standards of GCIP execution across multiple countries, GCIP guidelines will be developed under the GCIP Global and disseminated as a tool for national child projects for adaptation and adoption.
 Responsible Entities: CCHub & UNIDO

Contact Information

  • Address: 22 Freetown Street, Wuse II Abuja.
  • Phone Number: +2348102477720
  • Email:

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